Saturday, 14 January 2012

BootBox Friday 13 update

ZTE Qualcomm Tool Added: NEW ZTE ANDROIDs with following features - Flashing in NORMAL mode - Flashing in Repair mode and Secure DL mode for repair w/o jtag half/dead phones. - Repair FTM by NV mode. - Repair IMEI function for repair / recovery phones. - FULL Unlock with rebuild security for new models include 2012 year Firmwares! Now supported under test following ZTE Android's phonemodels: ZTE A5 ZTE Amigo ZTE Blade ZTE Carl ZTE E400 ZTE E821S ZTE Libra ZTE Link ZTE MonteCarlo ZTE Movistar Class ZTE Movistar Link ZTE Movistar...

NCK Dongle v2.9 Released

NCK Dongle v2.9 small update released. Added Alcatel OT510 ALEU1 OT902 ALEU1 T268 ALCN1 ZTE TMN EASY 50 Blackberry PRDs PRD-17739-044 PRD-26211-021 PRD-30231-032 PRD-34746-001 NCK Dongle - Calculated Prefection To DOWNLOAD: Press GO SUPPORT BUTTON IN SOFTWARE UNDER APPLICATION SETTINGS. THIS WILL ALLOW YOU TO ENTER SUPPORT AREA AND DOWNLOAD LATEST...


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