Sunday, 26 February 2012

Nokia C6 Schematics 2012

Skema Nokia C6 DOWNLOA...

Schematic K-Touch D182

SKEMA k-touch D182 DOWNLO...

RIFF JTAG - RIFF JTAG Manager v1.39 Released !

Whats new: Fixed bug which caused poping-up of ‘Out of Free Disk space’ window error while real error was just a failed HASH. eMMC chip size is now represented not only in bytes but additionally, for visual convenience, in Mega/Giga bytes Addres/Length fields on DCC Read/Write and JTAG Read/Write pages are changed into custom GUI representation: now 12(or 8)-digit hex values are shown in more human ‘readable’ way. For more convenient work with the DCC Read/Write page features there was added standard lengths list, so user can set...

Gsmfinder Dongle first version 3.0.0 released

***Gsmfinder dongle ver3.0.0 *** What is new rather than in PC version? Nk tool;(flashing-standalone) (USB) Flashing Rap3g V3 models -(PC-not supported/DONGLE-no credits) (Fbus) Read unique id Rap3Gv2 -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) (Fbus) Read unique id Rap3Gv3 -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) (Fbus) Read unique id Rapido -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) Code calculator;(unlock) Vodaphone:12 models -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) V350X V354X V355X V555A V555X V570A V570X V607A V670A V670X V770A V770X SFR:15...


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