Thursday, 22 March 2012

How To Hard Reset And Reset Soft Nokia Lumia 800

So you saw all the hubbub during launch day and decided to buy Nokia’s new Windows Phone device, the Lumia 800. Every so often, every phone needs a good battery pull now and then. Or something more sinister comes up and you need to factory reset the device. Can’t work out how to do either when the phone won’t load up? Not to worry, I’ve got you covered. Here’s how to reset the Lumia 800: Soft Reset Soft Resets are sometimes also known as battery pulls, where pulling the battery out...

Box Speaker Horn Loaded

Box jenis ini sangat cocok untuk aksi band, sangat mirip dengan produknya Cubo....modif dikit lah.... Silahkan kalau mai nyoba gan..... ...

Box Full Range Monitor

Berikut ukuran bikin box Full Range Monitor ...

Bikin Box Speaker 15" Direct Sound System

buat agan-agan yang suka sound system atau yang lagi mau menggelutinya...ini ada ukuran untuk pembuatan box direct........... Selamat Mencoba........................ ...


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