Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Avatorbox Ver 5.814 Released Next Step !! Discussion Thread !!

AVATOR BOX (China Phones Service Tool) VER 5.814 29 February 2012 What is new: ***************************** Ver5.814 (2012-02-29) **************************** 1.Support Tab Button implemented (Feature update Only Registered user can use.) 2. (SPD) SC6610/20 format improved 3. (SPD) SC6610/20 unlock improved 4. (MTK) 6252 Communication improved 5. (MSTAR) 8533C Improved Bug Fixes: 1. (SPD) some SC6610/20 ReadFlash bugs fixed FLASH...

Xceed Ultimate Suite v11.4.11525.1644

Free Download Xceed Ultimate Suite v11.4.11525.1644 Full Version | 187MB Xceed Ultimate Suite - a complete set of high-quality components from companies Xceed. Includes 50 high-quality components and libraries (. NET, CF, WF, WPF, ActiveX) to organize the user interface and manipulating data in your programs. The program can easily find out what the library uses ActiveX component or dll library, to give all the keys in the registry under the library. Is able to record and perform the...

WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.0.3

Free Download WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.0.3 + Unicode Full Version | 7MB I just know that WYSIWYG is an acronym (What You See Is What You Get). As the name implies, WYSIWYG Web Builder Full is a software that can facilitate you in creating Web pages with a variety of excellent features are of course different from other similar software. For those of you who do not want complicated by making a page on your favorite site, do not hurt you to try this software. Features : Online administrator...

WinRAR 4.11

Free Download WinRAR 4.11 Full Version | 3MB WinRAR is a powerful archive manager (Win32, Linux, Mac). RAR files can usually compress by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format. WinRAR...

K-Lite Codec Pack Update 8.4.4

 Free Download K-Lite Codec Pack Update 8.4.4 Full Version | 10.86 MB K-Lite Codec Pack - in various versions contains all the most popular codecs for playback and video encoding (except for the version of Basic). QuickTime Alternative and Real Alternative are additional packages in order to play the respective formats and contain the main components of the official players. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack includes the last two packages and a complete set of codecs from a version of Full....

Maxprog MaxBulk Mailer Pro v8.3.6

Free Download Maxprog MaxBulk Mailer Pro v8.3.6 Full Version | 6MB MaxBulk Mailer is a bulk Emailer allows you to design and send an email to the customer. MaxBulk Mailer can handle plain text documents, HTML and styled text and provide full support for attachments. Features of Max Bulk Mailer Detects and use your language if available. Send Text/HTML in a way client always shows the right format. Drag and drop support for mailing text and address list. Easy import/export address...

Freemake Free Audio Converter

Freemake Free Audio Converter Multilingual | 15.47 MB Freemake Free Audio Converter convert audio free to MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC, AAC, M4A, OGG, convert audio to MP3 player, iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP, extract audio from video, join audio files. Free MP3 Converter Use Freemake as Free MP3 Converter: convert audio to MP3 format for MP3 playes: iPod, Zune, Coby, SanDisc Sansa, iRiver, Walkman, Archos, GoGear, etc. Convert audio to iPod, iPhone, iPad Convert audio to M4A format for...

Avast Internet Security 7 Final

Avast! Internet Security 7.0.1407 Final | 103 MB Avast!Internet Security - encompasses all the high technology for onepurpose: to provide you with the highest level of protection againstcomputer viruses. avast! Internet Security includes antivirus Avast, andvirtualization module processes, anti-spam filter and built-infirewall. Supported by a virus in the letters, there is a scriptblocker. Virus database is constantly updated and can be downloaded viathe Internet. The solution of...

Autorun Virus Remover v3.1 build 0422

Free Download Autorun Virus Remover v3.1 build 0422 Full Version | 2MB Does your antivirus can’t remove the autorun& autorun.inf virus in your system or USB storage device completely? Or even they can’t detect the virus? Autorun& autorun.inf virus is a new kind of virus/trojan, most of common antivirus products such as Kaspersky, Nod32, Avast, AVG can do little about this kind of virus/trojan. LAXiTY bringing us an updated version of “Autorun Virus Remover”. Autorun Virus Remover...

YouWave Android v2.2.0

Free Download YouWave Android v2.2.0 Full Patch | 102MB Runs Android apps and app stores on your PC, no phone required.Download thousands of apps online via app stores within youwave.High performance - The fastest way to run Android on pc. Easy to use - Easy to install. Easy to import and run apps. Key Technical Features Supports Android 2.3 Gingerbread (new) Runs on Windows XP/Vista/7, 32/64 bit Simulated SD card functionality - enables game saving Saved State - enables fast restart Enables...

The Sims 3 Hidden Springs

Free Download The Sims 3 Hidden Springs DLC  Full Version |  2GB A whole new world for your Sims to explore Celebrities and the rich flock to Hidden Springs in search of relaxation and escape from the mundane. Many cannot resist rumors of the seemingly miraculous healing powers that linger in the woods and waters. Some of the townsfolk who live in the woods are highly secretive and seem to have a pale green tinge to them. Is it really magic at work When youre in Hidden Springs,...


Free Download WebcamMax Full Version | 27MB With WebcamMax, you can add videos, pictures and effects to virtual & real webcam and show them to others on messengers or do live stream on websites such as Ustream, JustinTV, etc. It works on all webcam programs (MSN, Yahoo, Camfrog, YouTube, ICQ, AIM, Skype, Paltalk, ANYwebcam, Stickam, etc.). You can add a variety of effects over webcam and change the properties by yourself; thousands of local & online are available and...

Nokia 2700c -5130 Charging not supported solution

Nokia 2700c -5130 Charging not supported solution ...

Hyper Box 2.42 Update 28-02-2012

Hyper Box features: 1: [NAND] Support SF_GD27Q64 serial flash 2: [All Chips] Support new serial flash memory: SF_GD27Q64 Bug fixes: 1. remove software restriction 2: some tiny bug fixed Download Hyper Server OTHER LINK Download Here ...


Initializing... DA_LIB_VER_4.0.3.2 It is sensing the pinout fast... RXD=7 TXD=9 Connecting... Connected...sending boot... FDL test...OK ArmBootMode: 6610000000506A00_00 Wait for init Commzero Security Engine... Done. Loading bootloader... Done. Changing baudrate... Set baudrate to 115200 is ok Reading phone HW info... Read info is done. CPU: SC6610/20 Flash: SF_FM25Q32 setting the Flash Parameters... Settings have been completed! setting the Serial Flash Parameters... Settings...


Seorang wanita mengalami kehilangan minat dengan seks – sementara pasangan prianya masih berminat. Si pria yang tidak mengerti mengapa hal ini muncul, mulai berpikir bahwa semua ini merupakan kesalahannya. Dia merasa bahwa dirinya tidak berguna karena tidak mengerti tentang pasangan wanitanya. Dia tidak pernah lagi memuji atau mencium istrinya. Akhirnya, semua hal ini menyebabkan si wanita menjadi tersinggung. Dan dalam waktu yang singkat, hubungan yang awalnya terlihat sempurna mulai menjadi kacau. Gangguan gairah seksual hipoaktif (Hypoactive...

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Kenapa Penis Melengkung?

Penis adalah salah satu organ maskulin pria yang merupakan organ erektil yang berfungsi dalam sistem reproduksi manusia. Pada beberapa kondisi, penis yang ereksi akan terlihat sangat melengkung, hal ini kita kenal juga sebagai penyakit Peyronie. Penyakit Peyronie adalah suatu kondisi peradangan pada penis, dimana terbentuk suatu plak di suatu ruang diantara bawah kulit dan membran yang dikenal juga sebagai tunika albuginea. Formasi plak ini dapat menyebabkan kelainan bentuk terutama...

Volcano Box By FuriouSTeaM:Added Unlock Pattern lock &more..VolcanoBox 1.0.7 Released

i am happy to Release new ver of Volcano Box Powered by FuriouSTeaM Volcano Box Ver 1.0.7 what new in it ? Added Unlock Pattern Lock for Chinese Mobiles 1st in the world SPD 6610/20 New Flash Supported 1st in the world World First MTK Android Read Flash and Imei Change Supported !! Demo Video = MTK USB FULL REPAIR DONE Volcano Box is safe..... no virus inside...

SL-BOX Samsung v1.42 released

SL-BOX Samsung v1.42 released Support Original Flash Firmware : -write PDA -write PHONE/MODEM -write CSC -write EFS (for MITS(OPS) models) -write PARTITION (PIT or OPS) -added Counter of phones supported , phones unlocked -fix bug repair IMEI change -Models supported -SAMSUNG A927 -SAMSUNG Callisto -SAMSUNG Cooper -SAMSUNG Corby Smartphone -SAMSUNG Flight 2 (AT&T) -SAMSUNG Galaxt Tab (KOR) -SAMSUNG GALAXY 3 -SAMSUNG Galaxy 550 -SAMSUNG Galaxy 551 -SAMSUNG Galaxy Ace -SAMSUNG GALAXY APOLLO -SAMSUNG Galaxy Captivate (AT&T) -SAMSUNG Galaxy...

Monday, 27 February 2012

Apple Devices Firmware Download

Apple Devices Firmware Iphone 4s 5.0.1 (4S ):iPhone4,1_5.0.1_9A406_Restore.ipsw 5.0.1 (4s): iPhone4,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw 5.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw Iphone 4 GSM & CDMA 5.0.1 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw 5.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw 4.3.5 (4GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.5_8L1_Restore.ipsw 4.3.4 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.4_8K2_Restore.ipsw 4.3.3 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.ipsw 4.3.2 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.2_8H7_Restore.ipsw 4.3.1 (4 GSM):...

RIFF JTAG - Samsung GT-P6800 Galaxy Tab 7.7 Unbrick - Boot repair supported

27.02.2012 RIFF Jtag Updates: Samsung GT-P6800 Galaxy Tab 7.7 Unbrick - Boot repair supported, World First ! Qualcomm FullImage Files Plugin v1.05 Samsung i9000-like FullImage Files Plugin v1.03 Who rule the Galaxy ? ? ? RIFF Box – JTAG Revolution...

NSS pro v 0.34 - Lumia Flashing

Hi, There is a new version of NSS pro, what's new: 26 Feb 2012, v 0.34 - A bug fix when wrong refresh data from a node was crashing the server - Client updated to refresh the server when not working on a job so the status of online nodes is visible from the monitor - New Tools tab added, cod file calculation moved from Simlocks->Misc to Tools->SX-5 - Added RPL file calculation for DCT4/DCT4PLUS phones with TI UPP processor(Tools->TDS-6 tab) - SL3 Public Servers list updated to show each server status - online or offline - Nokia WP7...

Tutorial Flashing Nexian C951 Smart CDMA Qualcomm Commond USB by Volcano

Common USB Device for Volcano was very susceptible.Nexian C951 CDMA Qualcomm Commond USB by Volcano      VIDEO TUTORIAL   ...

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Nokia C6 Schematics 2012

Skema Nokia C6 DOWNLOA...

Schematic K-Touch D182

SKEMA k-touch D182 DOWNLO...

RIFF JTAG - RIFF JTAG Manager v1.39 Released !

Whats new: Fixed bug which caused poping-up of ‘Out of Free Disk space’ window error while real error was just a failed HASH. eMMC chip size is now represented not only in bytes but additionally, for visual convenience, in Mega/Giga bytes Addres/Length fields on DCC Read/Write and JTAG Read/Write pages are changed into custom GUI representation: now 12(or 8)-digit hex values are shown in more human ‘readable’ way. For more convenient work with the DCC Read/Write page features there was added standard lengths list, so user can set...

Gsmfinder Dongle first version 3.0.0 released

***Gsmfinder dongle ver3.0.0 *** What is new rather than in PC version? Nk tool;(flashing-standalone) (USB) Flashing Rap3g V3 models -(PC-not supported/DONGLE-no credits) (Fbus) Read unique id Rap3Gv2 -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) (Fbus) Read unique id Rap3Gv3 -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) (Fbus) Read unique id Rapido -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) Code calculator;(unlock) Vodaphone:12 models -(PC-not supported yet/DONGLE-no credits) V350X V354X V355X V555A V555X V570A V570X V607A V670A V670X V770A V770X SFR:15...

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